Friday, May 07, 2010

Dawn of War 2 - Patch Notes

Building on the balance adjustments from our last update, we have been working on 2.2.1. This is a data only balance update that has been in the works for a few weeks, and it is currently in the final stages of development and testing. Right now we expect that we will be releasing the update sometime next week.

  • Chaos:
    • Chaos Lord:
      • Drain Life has had its radius reduced from 30 to 15
      • Drain Life can no longer be used on unconscious units
      • Kill the Weak, Destructive Strike and Sweeping Doom can no longer be cast at the same time
      • Fixed a broken special attack for the Chaos Lord lightning claws
      • Chaos Lord’s blood maul and lightning claws now properly display the Level 2 Chaos Temple requirement
      • Range indicator ring for Kill the Weak! Now displays the correct range

    • Plague Marine Champion:
      • Added hero XP modifier so that the PMC levels correctly with experience
      • Melee skill has been reduced from 90 to 60
      • Changed melee sync-kill percentage from 60 to 40
      • Equipping the Plague Sword and Power Fist will now increase the Plague Champion’s melee skill by 10 for a total of 70 at level 1
      • Blight grenade immunity time increased to prevent juggling between units
      • Unholy stench no longer damages damage immune targets

    • Sorcerer:
      • Melee skill has been reduced from 90 to 70
      • Changed melee sync-kill percentage from 100 to 40
      • Sorcerer is now immune to knockback while using the Subjugate ability
      • Shrine Worshiping cultists are no longer affected by the Sorcerer’s mass teleport
      • Sorcerer’s Subjugation ability no longer works on retreating units

    • Heretics:
      • Doom Blast now deals courage damage
      • Doom Blast damage has been reduced from 45 to 25

    • Chaos Tactical Marines:
      • Inferno Bolter damage modifier vs. vehicles has been lowered from 0.2 to 0.1

    • Bloodletters:
      • Upkeep has been increased from 0.00425 to 0.017
      • Damage has been reduced from 50 to 42
      • Special attack damage has been increased from 25 to 31
      • Special attack damage type changed from melee_pvp to melee_heavy

    • Plague Marines:
      • Plague Bolter damage over time increased from 0.5 to 0.75

    • Bloodcrusher:
      • Build time increased from 35s to 40s

  • Space Marines:
    • Apothecary:
      • The range of the Apothecary’s heal has been reduced from 40 to 25
      • The sanguine chainsword now requires tier 1
      • The anointed power axe now requires tier 2
      • Combat Stimulants will now break suppression and increase damage on the unit it is cast on

    • Force Commander:
      • Force Commander lightning claws are now free to repurchase

    • Techmarine:
      • Brother’s in Arms no longer affects buildings
      • Techmarine mark target can no longer target unconscious units
      • Teleport relays now properly heal Tactical Marines

    • Tactical Marines:
      • Tactical Marines can now replace an upgrade with another upgrade. Each time they do this they must pay the cost of the new upgrade.

    • Assault Terminators:
      • Melee skill increased from 60 to 70
      • Fixed an issue where Assault Terminators with lightning claws reinforced at less HP

    • Librarian:
      • Librarian Force Staff type changed from sword_pvp to power_melee_pvp
      • Librarian Force Staff now grants inspiration to nearby Space Marines

    • Dreadnought:
      • Multi-melta and assault cannon no longer display on UI when upgraded to prevent overwrite of Dark Age of Technology

  • Eldar:
    • Warlock Commander:
      • Destructor damage reduced from 60 to 54

    • Warpspider Exarch:
      • Equipping Power Blades will now increase the Warpspider Exarch’s melee skill by 10 for a total of 70 at level 1
      • Energy cost of Teleport increased from 30 to 35
      • Units under affected by the Warp Spider Exarch’s Mass Teleport are now immune to knockback

    • Guardians:
      • Battle Equipment cost increased from 50/15 to 65/15
      • Guardian reinforce cost increased from 0.4 to 0.5

    • Banshees:
      • Aspect of the Banshee cost increased from 100/20 to 100/25

    • Shuriken Cannon:
      • Cost increased from 210/30 to 240/30

    • Rangers:
      • Can no longer target Terminators with Kinetic Shot which was ineffective

    • Warpspiders:
      • Haywire grenade now slows vehicles by 60% instead of causing them to be stationary

  • Orks:
    • Kommando Nob:
      • Equipping the Assashun’s Knife will now increase the Kommando Nob’s melee skill by 10 for a total of 70 at level 1
      • Hide Da Boys no longer works on unconscious units

    • Mekboy:
      • Beamy Deff Gun ranged increased from 55 to 65
      • Has a new weapon upgrade: Dakka Dakka Dakka
        • Costs 115/30
        • Requires Tier 1
        • Equips a big shoota with no setup time
        • Increases Mek’s ranged damage by 50%
        • Waaagh banner Frazzle ability now displays buff effects on nearby Orks

    • Warboss:
      • Now has medium crush
      • Cybork Implants now replaces the Stomp ability with the Big Stomp ability
      • Big Stomp no longer requires the Warboss to take damage
      • Big Stomp stun duration lowered from 10s to 7s

    • Sluggas:
      • Recklessness now breaks suppression and reduces incoming ranged damage by 50% for the duration of the ability
      • Recklessness has been renamed to “Swamp ‘Em”
      • Recklessness has a new effect
      • Nob leader cost increased from 75/25 to 100/25

    • Stormboys:
      • Choppa damage increased from 27 to 30
      • Choppa special attack damage increased from 12 to 20
      • Choppa special attack damage type changed from melee_pvp to melee_power_weapons_pvp

    • Lootas:
      • Beamy Deffgun range increased from 55 to 65

    • Stikkbommaz:
      • Increased the projectile speed on stikkbombs
      • Stikkbomma stikkbombs and stunbombs now properly scatter when targeted in fog of war

    • Wartrukk:
      • Cost increased from 200/30 to 300/40
      • HP increased from 400 to 500
      • Build time increased from 30s to 40s

    • Weirdboy:
      • Weirdboy will no longer lose energy upgrade when going into shared holds

  • Tyranids:
    • Hive Tyrant:
      • Invulnerability duration decreased from 20s to 12s
      • Crushing claw damage reduced from 120 to 108
      • Improved Synapse no longer applies to Carnifexes, Warriors, Tyrant Guard, Zoanthropes or Spore Mines

    • Ravener Alpha:
      • Equipping the Crippling Talon or Acid Splatter will now increase the Ravener Alpha’s melee skill by 10 for a total of 70 at level 1
      • Corrosive Devourer vehicle armor damage modifier increased from 2.0 to 2.5 when ability active.

    • Hormagaunts:
      • Cost increased from 270 req to 300 req
      • Health increased from 73 to 80 per entity
      • Damage increased from 20 to 22

    • Warriors:
      • Adrenal Gland synapse no longer increases weapon damage of affected units
      • Adrenal Gland synapse increases health of affected units by 75%
      • Warriors equipped with a barbed strangler will no longer leap into melee combat
      • Barbed strangler damage reduced from 45 to 25
      • Barbed strangler damage modifier vs. garrisoned troops increased from 1.6 to 3.0
      • Scything talons heavy damage reduced from 27.5 to 20.6
      • Warriors can no longer knock back retreating units

    • Venom Brood:
      • Synapse ranged damage increase lowered from 40% to 30%
      • Synapse now increases health of affected units by 35%
      • Cost reduced from 400/15 to 300/15
      • Damage reduced from 36 to 30

    • Genestealers:
      • Melee skill reduced from 80 to 70
      • Genestealers now grant 8 red resources when killed, up from 4

    • Tyrant Guard:
      • Reduced upkeep from 0.0765 to 0.051

    • Lictor:
      • Melee skill increased from 60 to 70

    • Carnifex:
      • Spawn Rippers cooldown increased from 60 to 120 seconds
      • Spawn Spore Mines cooldown increased from 60 to 120 seconds
      • Special attack damage reduced from 175 to 120
      • Scything talons and claws damage reduced from 240 to 200
      • Scything talons damage reduced from 300 to 180
      • Charge damage reduced from 35 to 30

    • Synapse:
      • Tyranid synapse death damage increased to 18% from 14% for all units except tyrant guard and carnifex.

  • Bug Fixes:
    • Unreachable areas on Typhon Arena marked as impassible
    • Open area around power points on Calderis Refinery increased to allow generators to be built.
    • The following abilities have been given unique keybindings:
      • Scout Explosive Shot
      • Heretic Doom Blast
      • Sorcerer Warp Rift
      • Tyrant Guard Shield Wall
      • Weirdboy Zzap
      • Weirdboy Warp Vomit
      • Weirdboy Bigga Brains
      • Chaos Lord’s Drain Life
      • Bloodletter Warp Rift
      • Warboss Shoot ’em Good
    • Rank 45 Chaos marines will no longer be downgraded to normal looking bolters when they are upgrade with a Mark of Tzeentch
    • Carnifex can no longer be knocked down by the Kommando Nob’s Kaboom! Ability
    • Units immune to damage (Warp Shifted or Phase Shifted) will no longer be damaged by the Kommando Nob’s Kaboom! ability
    • Rippers will no longer reinforce automatically while in range of the Tyranid Hive

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