Friday, May 07, 2010

StarCraft 2 - Patch Notes

Balance Changes:
  • Terran:
    • Battlecruiser:
      • The build time has been decreased from 110 to 90.

    • Fusion Core:
      • The build time has been decreased from 80 to 65.

    • Hellion:
      • The range has been increased from 5 to 6.

    • Planetary Fortress:
      • The splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage.

    • Raven:
      • Seeker Missile range has been decreased from 9 to 6.
      • Seeker Missile splash radius has been decreased from 2.4 to 2.
      • Seeker Missile upgrade no longer requires Fusion Core.

    • Siege Tank:
      • Life increased from 150 to 160.
      • Siege Mode splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage.

    • Thor:
      • Ground damage decreased from 45 to 30.
      • Ground rate of fire improved from 1.93 to 1.28.
      • Air damage changed from 8 (+4 Light) to 6 (+6 Light).
      • 250mm Strike Cannons are now an upgrade at the Factory Tech Lab.
      • 250mm Strike Cannons research now costs 150/150 and 110 seconds.
      • 250mm Strike Cannons energy cost increased from 100 to 150.
      • Anti-Air splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage.
  • Protoss:
    • Archon:
      • The splash radius has been increased from 0.8 to 1.
      • Splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage.

    • Colossus:
      • The damage has been decreased from 20 to 15.
      • The rate of fire has been improved from 2.2 to 1.65.

    • Phoenix:
      • Can now attack while moving.

    • Sentry:
      • The damage has been decreased from 8 to 6.
  • Zerg:
    • Brood Lord:
      • Life has been decreased from 275 to 225.
      • Armor has been decreased from 2 to 1.

    • Corruptor:
      • Corruptor damage changed from 12 (+10 Massive) to 14 (+6 Massive).
      • Corruptor speed increased from 2.75 to 2.9531
      • Corruption ability redesigned:
        • Single target.
        • Increases damage taken by 20%.
        • Lasts 30 seconds.
        • Costs 100 energy.
        • Range 6.
        • Cannot target structures.

    • Infestor:
      • Neural Parasite is now an upgrade at the Infestation Pit.
      • Neural Parasite research costs 150/150 and 110 seconds.
      • Neural Parasite can now target Air units.
      • Neural Parasite energy cost increased from 50 to 100.

    • Spine Crawler:
      • The root time has been increased from 6 to 12.

    • Spore Crawler:
      • The root time has been increased from 6 to 12.

    • Ultralisk:
      • Damage has been increased from 18 to 25.
Hotkey Changes:
  • General:
    • In order to resolve a conflict with building multiple Forges with the Shift Key we have made the following changes:
      • Changed Center Camera from Shift+F to Ctrl+F.
  • Standard:
    • To prevent the accidental research of Ventral Sacs when trying to train an Overlord with no Larva available, the hotkey has been changed from V to E.
    • View Own Health Bars functionality added to the Backslash key
  • Standard For Lefties:
    • Due to a conflict with research Banshee Cloak, research Seeker Missile has been changed from L to K.
    • To correct a conflict with the Attack command on Planetary Fortress, train SCV has been changed from K to J.
    • In order to prevent the accidental training of Zerglings when using the Select Larva hotkey,train Zergling has been changed from L to J.
    • To prevent the accidental training of a Queen, train Ultralisk has been changed from U to T.
    • To prevent the accidental research of Pneumatized Carapace when trying to train a corruptor with no Larva available, research Pneumatized Carapace has been changed from P to C.
    • View All Status Bars has been changed from Q to the Alt key.
    • View own Status Bars functionality has been added to the Q key.
  • Grid For Lefties:
    • Attack Move and all other buttons in the 0,4 position should now function correctly.
    • View Own Status Bars functionality added to Q.
    • View Enemy Status Bars moved to W.
    • View Ally Status Bars moved to E.
  • Classic:
    • Changed build Nydus Canal from P to N.
    • Changed Place Nydus Canal ability from P to N.
    • Terran Infantry Weapon researches have been changed from E to W.
    • Terran Vehicle Weapon researches have been changed from E to W.
    • Train Thor hotkey has been changed from O to G.
    • Train Viking hotkey has been changed from Y to W.
    • View Own Status Bars functionality has been added to the Backslash key.
Icon Position Changes:
  • To put all race gas extractors in the same icon position, the positions of the Supply Depot/Refinery and Pylon/Assimilator have been swapped.
  • In order to make transforming multiple Gateways easier for players using Grid key sets, Transform to Gateway has been moved to a separate icon position (2,1).
Bug Fixes:
  • Corrected an issue that was causing the Polish language client to crash when receiving the "player is no longer being revealed” message.
  • Corrected incorrect links on multiple language clients pages.
  • Corrected an issue where the Zealot was using an US English voice over in the Korean language client.
  • Corrected an issue where a player is unable to build any structures that require pylon power when their protoss ally leaves.
  • Units can no longer be healed or repaired while in transports.
  • Corrected an issue where the Creep Tumor targeting circle was visible to opponents through Fog of War.
  • Corrected an issue in which selecting a Starport under construction and a completed Starport would display the select builder command in the Viking slot.
  • Corrected the Broodling weapon icon.

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