Wednesday, September 15, 2010

AMD Video Driver Updates on Steam

ATI Catalyst                                       Image via Wikipedia
With today’s exciting announcement from AMD and Valve®, Steam gamers will never again have to worry about finding the most recent ATI Catalyst™ graphics driver. PC gamers can now detect and install the latest ATI Catalyst™ driver for their ATI Radeon™ graphics card directly from within Steam! Gamers using ATI graphics will not only be kept posted on the latest available drivers for their hardware, but with every update they’ll know that they’re getting the overall best possible gaming experience AMD and Valve can provide.
AMD and Valve teaming up to make sure that Steam gamers always have the most recent drivers for their graphics cards is just another way that they are showing their commitment to the promise they developed in their Gamers’ Manifesto.

The first ATI Catalyst driver update that will be available via Steam will be ATI Catalyst 10.9.
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