Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Battlefield 2142 - Patch 1.51

Battlefield 2142Image by Mullers via FlickrHell hath frozen over yet again. It seems the final patch for Battlefield 2142 has been released. Along with the fixes mentioned below, this patch incorporates the Battlefield 2142 Northern Strike expansion pack for free! Also, in other good news, blooguard indicated via twitter that he will be updating his popular widescreenfixer to work with BF2142 1.51.

Fixes in v1.51:
  • Added extra account security fixes
  • Added fix for nVidia drivers to solve tinitus visual effect
  • Hit detection bug fix: Changed so that latency compensation history takes correct stored positions from buffer
  • Updated as_titan_wake.tweak to allow for two attack choppers instead of the one previously allowed
New Features in v1.51:
  • Added Operation Blue Pearl by Bjorn Sundell with special thanks to Jason Brice for lightmaps and finishing
  • Added Yellow Knife, Molokai and Strike at Karkand 2142 maps made by Jason Brice
  • Added support for the Novint Falcon controller

Download links below:

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