Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crysis 2 - Flickering Fix

Crysis 2                            Image via WikipediaIf you're running a dual card solution, whether it's SLI from team green or Crossfire from team red, you can't help but notice the eye tormenting flicker that occurs in outdoor levels. The problem is so extreme that the game is unbearable to play without feeling like you're going to slip into a coma any second.

Word on the street is that you can rename the game to something that already has a profile in your drivers, like "shift2.exe" or "rift.exe" the flickering will go away.

I have not been able to confirm this solution since I own the Steam version of the game which will not run if the executable is renamed.

Other users have claimed that running the game in a window (as opposed to fullscreen) gets rid of the flickering. While this is true, it does so because running in a window disables Crossfire.

I am using a 6990 with cat 11.4 preview and CAP 4 (11.2) which interestingly enough says it improves crossfire performance in Crysis 2. I guess they didn't notice the mind splitting flickering.

A flickering fix has been released for the Steam version of Crysis 2! Proceed to rage3d to download 11.3 Catalyst Application Profile #1

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