Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rift - 6990 Framerate Problems

Image representing Raptr as depicted in CrunchBase                           Image via CrunchBaseAre you experiencing framerate problems in Rift? Did it start happening recently? If you're using Raptr, Steam, or Xfire, this post is for you.

I had not played Rift in 2 or 3 days and recently upgraded from an AMD 5870 to and AMD 6990 video card. Needless  to say I was anxious to login and crank the settings to 10 and become lost in the world of Telara.

Immediately I experienced skipping/stuttering frame rates while at the login screen. This did not bode well. In game the problem was even worse to the point it was unplayable. I kept an eye on the framerate in game and noticed it was extremely sporadic. It would drop down to the teens at times... even when there was no action on screen.

My mind started thinking back to all the discussion on various forums of the "microstutter" that apparently plagues dual GPU cards. I exited the game and began to search the forums to find that people utilizing crossfire were vocal about framerate issues.

I launched the game again to start adjusting the in game settings one by to one to see if I could find some quirky culprit. That's when I noticed that the Ratpr box popped up at the bottom right to signify that in game chat was enabled. I knew this could be problematic as I was already running the Steam in game overlay.

I exited the game, adjusted my Ratpr game profile for Rift so that game time was still tracked but in game chat was no longer enabled, relaunched the Rift and BAM! Solid frame rates.
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  1. timothy2:40 AM

    hey there thats nice but i get it in every game i run

    even when i load up gta4 all settings are on lowest (becaus for some reason i cant turn them higher)

  2. So how do you like Rift in combination with the 6990? Good performance? I have an iMac 27 with a 5870, running Rift on a bootcamped Win7. I play Rift with medium settings at 2560x1440. I'm suprised I still get an average framerate of 25. But in instances the framerate is lagging really bad. So I'm thinking of building myself an gaming system and using my iMac 27 as an external monitor. I wanted to buy the 6870, but with the screen size in mind I think it would be best to go for the 6990 ...

  3. I would highly recommend going with a 6990 if your native res is 2560X1440. This card was built with that resolution in mind. I'm running a 27 inch monitor as well but my native res is 1920*1200. Almost all setting are cranked, including anisotropic filtering at 16x and the frame rate is pegged at 60fps. (I run with vsync on, can't stand the tearing) Enabling AA still takes a performance hit though.


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