Monday, March 12, 2012

Mass Effect 3: Multiplayer Item Pack Unlock List

If you’re just getting into the multiplayer co-op in Mass Effect 3, you’re probably wondering what’s the deal with those item packs. Instead of purchasing or finding special weapons, you need to unlock everything with Recruit, Veteran, or Spectre packs. These three packs can be purchased with in-game credits or with real-life money, and each purchase is a gamble. Randomly, each purchase will provides you with an unlockable; ranging from new weapons, new species, and weapon mods. Check out the full list below.
Prepare to crush the campaign in Mass Effect 3 with our video walkthrough. For more pages like this, take a trip to our cheats page.
SPOILER WARNING: Mass Effect 3 Spoilers Ahead!
Item Pack Info
  • All unlocks are random. Each pack will include a certain rarity of unlock.
  • The Recruit Pack costs 5,000 Credits. Every item in the list below can be acquired through the Recruit Pack, once you run out Common and Uncommon Items, you’ll begin to unlock Rare and Ultra Rare Items.
  • All Weapons can be acquired 10 times; acquiring a weapons more than once will increase that weapon’s upgrade level. Weapon Mods can also be acquired multiple times, also Thermal Clips, Medi-Gel, Cobra Missile Capacity, and other Bonuses.
  • The Veteran Pack costs 20,000 Credits. While expensive, this pack has a chance to provide Common, Uncommon, and Rare unlocks.
  • The Spectre Pack costs 60,000 Credits. While very expensive, this pack has a chance to provide Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra Rare unlocks.
Multiplayer Item Pack Unlock List
  • M-3 Predator
  • M-23 Katana
  • M-4 Shuriken
  • M-92 Mantis
  • M-8 Avenger
    Weapon Mods

  • SMG Scope
  • Pistol Scope
  • Pistol High Caliber Barrel
  • Assault Rifle Percision Scope
  • Assault Rifle Magazine Upgrade
  • Assault Rifle Stability Damper
  • Sniper Rifle Spare Thermal Clip
  • Shotgun Smart Choke
  • Shotgun High Caliber Barrel
  • Shotgun Blade Attachment
    Capacity Upgrades
  • Cobra Missile Launcher
  • Thermal Clip Pack
  • Ops Survival Pack
  • Medi-Gel
    Species Unlocks
  • Human Characters (Appearance Unlocks)
    Pack Specific Bonus

  • Ammo Bonus Items Rank 1 (Recruit Pack Only)
  • Weapon Bonus Items Rank 1 (Recruit Pack Only)
  • Armor Bonus Items Rank 1 (Recruit Pack Only)
  • M-5 Phalanx
  • M-22 Eviscerator
  • M-9 Tempest
  • M-12 Locust
  • M-13 Raptor
  • M-27 Scimitar
  • M-97 Viper
  • M-29 Incisor
  • M-96 Mattock
  • M-15 Vindicator
  • Phaeston
    Weapon Mods
  • SMG Ultralight Materials
  • Pistol Piercing Mod
  • Pistol Melee Stun
  • Assault Rifle Stability Damper
  • Assault Rifle Piercing Mod
  • Sniper Rifle Extended Barrel
  • Sniper Rifle Enhanced Scope
  • Shotgun Shredder Mod
  • Shotgun Spare Thermal Clips
    Species Unlocks
  • Turian Soldier
  • Salarian Engineer
  • Turian Sentinel
  • Quarian Infiltrator
  • Asari Vanguard
  • Drell Adept
    Pack Specific Bonus

  • Ammo Bonus Items Rank 2 (Veteran Pack Only)
  • Weapon Bonus Items Rank 2 (Veteran Pack Only)
  • Armor Bonus Items Rank 2 (Veteran Pack Only)

  • M-25 Hornet
  • M-6 Carnifex
  • Geth Pulse Rifle
  • Geth Pulse Shotgun
  • M-300 Claymore
  • M-98 Widow
  • Arc Pistol
  • Disciple
  • Graal Spike Thrower
  • M-37 Falcon
  • M-76 Revenant
    Capacity Upgrades
  • Cobra Missile Launcher Capacity Upgrade +1
  • Thermal Clip Pack Capacity Upgrade +1
  • Ops Survival Pack Capacity Upgrade +1
  • Medi-Gel Capacity Upgrade +1
  • Respec Card
    Species Unlocks
  • Asari Adept
  • Krogan Soldier
  • Krogan Sentinel
  • Quarian Engineer
  • Salarian Infiltrator
  • Drell Vanguard
    Pack Specific Bonus

  • Ammo Bonus Items Rank 3 (Spectre Pack Only)
  • Weapon Bonus Items Rank 3 (Spectre Pack Only)
  • Armor Bonus Items Rank 3 (Spectre Pack Only)
Ultra Rare

  • Black Widow
  • M-358 Talon
  • M-99 Saber
  • M-77 Paladin
  • M-11 Wraith
  • Javelin
  • Scorpion

Game Front’s Official Mass Effect 3 Video Walkthroughs
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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Playlist (w/ Mitch – FemShep Paragon)

Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Playlist (w/ James – MaleShep Renegade)

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