Saturday, January 12, 2013

Transformers - Fall of Cybertron Tweaks

Transformers Fall of Cybertron Tweaks

If you're a lefty, or even a righty who doesn't use the default keyboard mappings then keep reading.

Unfortunately you cannot remap your controls in Transformers: FoC. My guess is because the devs chose to encrypt the ini files, so instead we can only choose from a hand full of preconfigured key mappings.

This is where Razer Configurator comes in to play. If you're using a Razer keyboard you can literally remap any keys you choose at the driver level.

Transformers Fall of Cybertron - Remap Keys

This is the default key mapping for Fall of Cybertron. Refer to it when remapping your keys.
Transformers Fall of Cybertron Default Keys

Lastly, you will want to download Flawless Widescreen to fix the FOV.
Transformers Fall of Cybertron FOV Fix

And if you're curious, Fall of Cybertron is NOT locked at 30fps.

Now get back in game and make scrap metal of those Decepticons!

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