Sunday, May 11, 2014

Headphones That Actually Stay On

Yurbuds Stay In Your Ears

Finally, a pair of headphones / earbuds that stay in! I've tried several different pair of headphones and they all had the same problem: They refuse to stay in while I'm running.

Sony Clip On HeadphonesPart of the problem is I sweat like a fish so naturally earbuds slip out. I had been using a pair of Sony clip-ons for nearly a decade and they had served me well, up until recently. The cord became faulty which resulted in static and the headphones not playing consistently. While ear phones would stay in place while running, they would slip off while sprinting.

Adidas Sennheiser Ear PhoneMy beautiful wife bought me a pair of Sennheiser Adidas ear buds and while they sounded amazing, they too refused to stay in my ears
while running. I tried each cushion size that came with the ear pieces but they refused to stay in.

A few days later I was at my local Best Buy and picked up a cheap pair of head phones to get me by until I could find a good pair that would stay in. The decision proved to be a waste of money as the right earbud failed after only two uses. Like I said, I sweat like a fish.

Yurbuds Stay In
Desperate for a pair of headphones, I checked the stock at a local Wal Mart on a whim. That's when I found Yurbuds Ironman Focus ear buds. The box claimed they were "guaranteed to never fall out" and that's exactly what I looking for. I decided to give them a gamble and so far they have proved worthy. Sound quality decent and they do in fact stay in your ears as advertised. Time will tell if they hold up to the test as summer is nearly around the corner with temps in the triple digits.

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