Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Medal of Honor - Tweaks

So after playing a few multiplayer rounds of EA/DICE's recently released Medal of Honor, something just didn't feel right. It also bothered me that I could not enable vsync through the GUI. If you are familiar with DICE's Frostbite engine then you know that the config files are located at:
%userprofile%\Documents\EA Games\Medal of Honor\Multiplayer
 The two files of interest are:
  • GameSettings.ini
  • settings.ini
First open the GameSettings.ini and change 'InputAcceleration' to zero.
 Save the file. This disables mouse acceleration.
Second, open the settings.ini and change the following settings: (assuming you are on windows7/vista and have a DirectX 11 capable video card, and run at a resolution of 1920x1200)


If you run at a resolution other than 1920x1200, use this calculator to determine the correct FOV.

Happy gaming!
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