Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops - Patch Notes

E3 2010 Call of Duty Black Ops banner                   Image by via FlickrCall of Duty: Black Ops

  • Improved threading performance on computers with only 2 cores.
  • Additional performance optimizations
  • Added an option to pre-cache all shaders during load time. This fixes hitching related to shader compiling on some video cards when viewing an area of the map for the first time. 
  • Fixed random freezes in certain computer configurations. 
  • Allow Team Change on Ranked servers when it does not unbalance teams (this is a server admin option).
  • Allow Team Change grace period at start of match (server admin option).
  • Added 4 more reserved slots (server admin option)
  • Added /connect
  • Improved quickmatch results (server side change)
  • Fix for watching films through Combat Record 
  • Fixed compassSpectatorsSeeEnemies exploit
  • Fixed 3rd person fov exploit
  • Fix for infinite supply drop exploit.
  • Fixed crosshair flickering when stereo is active.
  • Various spawn improvements
  • Various sound improvements
  • Fix for Zombies – Teammate shadows not displayed properly.
  • Fix for radar not staying on in One in the Chamber when it should.
  • In a Domination match, the Position Secured medal is no longer delayed.
  • 'Hardened: Equipment Shot' Challenge can now be completed by destroying a 'Camera Spike'.
  • Fix for choppy final killcam in dedicated servers.
  • Various map glitches fixed.
  • Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)
  • Added mixed hardcore playlist
  • Added mixed barebones playlist
  • Added 12 player versions of all playlists

  • Reduced timeout values. Connect (or failure to connect is faster). 
  • Added all white-listed dvars for Ranked and Unranked. Admins have rcon access to ALL available dvars.
  • Added Settings and Console tabs for Ranked servers. 
  • Fixes a bug where the “Server” tab doesn’t update values when connecting to a new server.
  • Added version number to the title bar.
  • Fixed a bug where UI state didn’t persist after switching to another server.
  • Added “disconnect” button.
  • Fixed map “set” to not use admindvar.
  • Changed all dvars which could be possibly float, to float. Mostly these are time-type dvars.
  • Fixed bug where entering a value of zero for Message Duration would cause a unhandled exception error.
  • Truncated all message fields to 140 chars.

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