Monday, February 06, 2012

Big Battlefield 3 Patch Coming Tuesday, Addresses VOIP Issues

Big Battlefield 3 Patch Coming Tuesday, Addresses VOIP Issues:

DICE is rolling out another big Battlefield 3 patch on Feb. 7 that should deal with a few issues that continue to plague Electronic Arts’ Call of Duty-challenging shooter.

The patch reportedly will fix some voice issues for Battlefield 3, which may finally make it possible to talk to your team, and irons out some balance issues and camping troubles as well. For example, the M-COM Defender ribbon will be easier for players to earn, as DICE Senior Designer Frederik Thylander noted on his Twitter feed. Players also will no longer be able to set up mortars in spawn points (hooray!), and flares will no longer break missile locks.

So what do you guys think — looking forward to the patch, frustrated about the changes or annoyed the DICE isn’t fixing more stuff?

Via GameRevolution.

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