Sunday, December 02, 2018

3D Surround Sound with Headphones - Part 2

If you're wondering, the upgrade from a Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium HD to a Creative Labs Sound BlasterX AE-5 is completely worth it; especially if you're rocking a set of high impedance cans. In my case, I'm using Sennhieser HD 650s which are rated at 300 ohms. I will cover this topic at a later date... on to 3D Surround Sound with Headphones!

This is a continuation of the article I posted in March of 2012 - How to Get 3D Sound with Headphones.

Two tips to obtain the best surround sound experience from a pair of stereo headphones when using a Creative Labs SoundBlaster soundcard:
  1. Do not enable the crystalizer
  2. Do not increase (or decrease) any frequencies within the equalizer. (the exception being bass frequencies)
"But why?", you ask? "When I listen to music it sounds so much better when I enable the crystalizer and adjust the EQ to my liking", you say.

3D sound relies heavily on manipulating sound frequencies to trick your brain into believing the sound is originating from behind you, beside you, in front of you, etc. One of the key components to this is manipulating high end frequencies. If you enable the crystalizer (which boosts high and low frequencies) or you adjust the EQ to boost high frequencies you are effectively working against the 3D sound algorithm. Low end, or bass frequencies may be adjusted to your liking. This is because bass frequencies or non-directional, meaning that humans have a difficult time pinpointing the originating location of low end frequencies. 

I have created 2 sound profiles within the SoundBlaster Connect software; one for listening to music and one for gaming.

Keep in mind that everybody's "acoustic fingerprint" is different. This is largely due in part to varying ear anatomy among people. Also, the older we become the less are ears are able to hear high end frequencies.  

If you're interested in learning more about 3D sound, I recommend starting with, "HRTF, what does it mean?" at 3D Sound Labs.

SoundBlaster Connect - 3D Surround Sound

Creative Labs SoundBlaster Connect Settings for 3D Surround Sound while Gaming
Creative Labs SoundBlaster Connect Settings for 3D Surround Sound while Gaming

Creative Labs SoundBlaster Connect Settings for 3D Surround Sound while Gaming
Creative Labs SoundBlaster Connect Settings for 3D Surround Sound while Gaming

SoundBlaster Connect - Music

Creative Labs SoundBlaster Connect Settings for Music
Creative Labs SoundBlaster Connect Settings for Music

Creative Labs SoundBlaster Connect Settings for Music
Creative Labs SoundBlaster Connect Settings for Music

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