Thursday, September 16, 2010

Supreme Commander 2 - Patch Notes

Supreme Commander 2                                    Image via WikipediaAnother round of Supcom 2 patch notes:

New Features
  • Build mode can now be accessed while holding shift.
  • Added Safe and SafeMode command line options as a better alternative to resetting monitor resolution - Using one of these options will start the game at 1024x768@60hz in fullscreen and allow the player to change his options to something else after the game loads.
  • Added build mode hotkey for Cybran Mass Convertor. Removed Ctrl-M key mapping for old Cybran mass convert ability, which no longer exists and was causing a crash.
  • By popular request, reset Season 2 ELO ratings.
  • Quitting a game will stop the replay from recording immediately

  • Fix for targeting units under the influence of world forces (ie Magnetron).
  • Fix for units becoming unrepairable.
  • Partial fix for selected groups of units not all Teleporting or Jump Jetting when given the order.
  • Fix for Space Temple cooldown being activated even if the beacon was not placed.
  • Better handling for units getting stuck in a position when they try to reclaim something directly underneath them.
  • Fix for ACU/engineers going on a walkabout when trying to build something that overlaps with their current position.
  • Fix for some factories and engineers getting XP for killing things when they should not.
  • Fix for units colliding with terrain when boarding a carrier.
  • Fix for not adjusting a units health when it recieves a MaxHealth buff on non-DLC side.
  • You can no longer use the Magnet Pull, Magnet Push, or Pullinsmash ability while No Rush is active

  • Fixed up AI platoon templates.
  • Fix for AI platoon sizes.
  • Fix for AI platoons "dancing around".
  • The AI influence map decay rate for mobile units has been lowered.
  • Fix for AI building too many Mass Fabricators.
  • Adjusted how much mass a Mass Convertor adds to the AI's Resource Manager.
  • AI will only build 1 ProtoBrain.
  • AI will attack ACUs more in Assassination mode.

Known Issues/Under Investigation
  • Pre-1.21 Replays will not function with 1.21.
  • Teleporting/Jumpjetting group fix only partially implemented.
  • Memory Management and allocation optimizations.
  • Desynch related to VTOL aircraft.

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