Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dolby Axon Chat Client - Free!

Looking for an alternative to Ventrillo, Mumble, Teamspeak and the like? The premium features that were once only available to paid premium subscribers of Dolby Axon are now free for all. See below for more info.

Dolby Axon is now free. 

The Dolby Axon desktop client was already a free application, but today we are announcing that the premium features that were previously only available with a paid Surround Pass subscription are free too!

That means EVERY user has access to permanent chats, surround sound, and our visual chat room interface. In addition, now EVERY chat can host up to 50 simultaneous users. The Surround Pass is no more, but you'll see that every user has been upgraded.

Why is Dolby making this change? 

It's simple, really. The most important thing we can do to ensure a successful future for Dolby Axon is to grow our community of users. We have decided that launching on the Mac platform and making the Dolby Axon desktop client free is the best way to do that. 

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